Kiswahili subject statistics for 2022

Kiswahili result analysis for 2022

Subject code: kiswahili

Total number of students who took Kiswahili in 2022: 32,002 (33.40% of students who sat for exam in 2022 )

Total number of students who sat for exam in 2022 - 95,826

Grade Number of Students
F 58 0.18%
S 84 0.26%
A 406 1.27%
X 548 1.71%
E 652 2.04%
D 3,050 9.53%
B 11,861 37.06%
C 15,343 47.94%

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

Kiswahili grade distribution by Gender

Grade Female Male
A 237 169
B 6396 5465
C 6875 8468
D 1102 1948
E 186 466
F 16 42
S 15 69
X 186 362

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam