Kiswahili subject statistics for 2015

Kiswahili result analysis for 2015

Subject code: kiswahili

Total number of students who took Kiswahili in 2015: 21,266 (52.35% of students who sat for exam in 2015 )

Total number of students who sat for exam in 2015 - 40,626

Grade Number of Students
A 4 0.02%
F 20 0.09%
E 187 0.88%
X 435 2.05%
D 862 4.05%
B+ 4,323 20.33%
C 4,413 20.75%
B 11,022 51.83%

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

Kiswahili grade distribution by Gender

Grade Female Male
A 2 2
B 3508 7514
B+ 1544 2779
C 1290 3123
D 176 686
E 43 144
F 4 16
X 87 348

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam