Kiswahili subject statistics for 2007

Kiswahili result analysis for 2007

Subject code: kiswahili

Total number of students who took Kiswahili in 2007: 18,365 (55.46% of students who sat for exam in 2007 )

Total number of students who sat for exam in 2007 - 33,111

Grade Number of Students
I 35 0.19%
A 87 0.47%
X 147 0.80%
B 322 1.75%
C 543 2.96%
D 3,180 17.32%
F 3,581 19.50%
S 4,966 27.04%
E 5,504 29.97%

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

Kiswahili grade distribution by Gender

Grade Female Male
A 23 64
B 90 232
C 141 402
D 916 2264
E 1823 3681
F 1332 2249
I 9 26
S 1849 3117
X 47 100

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam