All Grades
Number of exams' letter grades 10
- A
- B
- B+
- C
- D
- E
- F
- I
- S
- X
Letter grade explanation
- A indicates Excellent
- B indicates Very Good
- C indicates Good
- D indicates Satisfactory
- E indicates Satisfactory
- S indicates Subsidiary Pass
- F indicates Fail
- X indicates student didnt take the exam
Grades: A, B, C, D and E are Principal Passes while grades S is Subsidiary and F is Fail
A candidate who sits for ASCEECSEE examination is awarded divisions I, II, III, IV or 0 depending on meeting the following conditions:
Description of "Star Codes" Used by NECTA in Examination Results
- * S -- Results suspended pending clarification of observed anomalies either in candidates' entry details, involvement in cases of irregularities or misconduct in the examination.Results suspended due to centers or schools' failing to meet registration requirements (i.e. centers with less than 35 candidates).
- * E -- Results withheld, pending proof of candidates' payment of requisite Examination fees.
- * I -- INCOMPLETE Results due to candidates' missing Continous Assessment (CA) scores in all subjects offered.
- I -- Incomplete results due to candidates' missing Continous Assessment(CA) scores in one or more subjects offered but not all.
- * W -- Results withheld/nullified or cancelled due to proven candidate's involvement in cases of dishonesty or irregularities before, during or after the examinations.
- * T -- Results suspended due to candidates' attempting one or more subjects not registered for (pirate candidate).
To qualify for divion one certificate, a candidate must:
- Obtain VERY GOOD or GOOD in attitude to work and character assessment
- Pass Civics
- Obtain not more than 9 points THREE subjects taken at Principal Level
To qualify for a division two certificates, a candidate must:
- Obtain VERY GOOD or GOOD in attitude to work and character assessment
- Pass Civics
- Obtain not less than TWO principal pass for subjects taken at principal level
- Obtain not more than 12 points THREE subjects taken at principal level
To qualify for a division three certificates, a candidate must:
- Obtain VERY GOOD or GOOD in attitude to work and character assessment
- Pass Civics
- EITHER pass two principal subjects OR pass one principal subject with a grade not below C
- Obtain not more than 17 points THREE subjects taken at principal level
To qualify for a division four certificates, a candidate must:
- Obtain VERY GOOD or GOOD in attitude to work and character assessment
- Pass Civics
- EITHER obtain at least one principal pass OR obtain at least two subsidiary passes in subjects taken at principal level
Does not fulfil the conditions for awards of the above Divisions (DIV 1-IV).
Source NECTA