History subject statistics for 2012

History result analysis for 2012

Subject code: history

Total number of students who took History in 2012: 15,183 (27.91% of students who sat for exam in 2012 )

Total number of students who sat for exam in 2012 - 54,405

Grade Number of Students
I 2 0.01%
A 8 0.05%
B 211 1.39%
X 284 1.87%
C 903 5.95%
D 1,995 13.14%
E 3,265 21.50%
S 4,032 26.56%
F 4,483 29.53%

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

History grade distribution by Gender

Grade Female Male
A 2 6
B 49 162
C 201 702
D 510 1485
E 832 2433
F 1304 3179
I 1 1
S 1126 2906
X 36 248

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam