chem subject statistics for 2023

chem result analysis for 2023

Subject code: chem

Total number of students who took chem in 2023: 346,618 (30.28% of students who sat for exam in 2023 )

Total number of students who sat for exam in 2023 - 1,144,706

Grade Number of Students
I 346 0.10%
X 10,232 2.95%
F 17,174 4.95%
A 34,682 10.01%
B 63,088 18.20%
D 63,150 18.22%
C 157,946 45.57%

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

chem grade distribution by Gender

Grade Female Male
A 12944 21738
B 25274 37814
C 73856 84090
D 37068 26082
F 11378 5796
I 154 192
X 5222 5010

I - Incomplete result. | X - didnt take the exam

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