Compare Rehema Wakfu to Kasekese

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A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year. Pick a different year to see results

Basic info

Rehema Wakfu School Kasekese School
Registration # S6004 S6014
Short Name Rehema Wakfu Kasekese
Full Name Rehema Wakfu Secondary School Kasekese Secondary School
Level - -

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 32 32
Division III 19 19
Division II 9 9 4 4
Division I 47 47 4 4
Division ABS 3 3
Division 0 3 3

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 6
F - 6
F - 40
M - 54
F - 4
M - 4
F - 14
M - 4
F - 2
M - 6
F - 16
M - 22
F - 40
M - 24

School Locations


Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics 112 130
bio 112 130
chem 112 60
civ 112 130
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 112
engl 112 130
geo 112 130
hist 112 130
kisw 112 130
phy 112 16

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics
A 32 2
B 34 4
C 38 6
D 8 12
F 100
X 6
A 36
B 62 4
C 14 50
D 44
F 26
X 6
A 48 4
B 50 8
C 14 36
D 10
X 2
A 24
B 64 4
C 24 46
D 44
F 30
X 6
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
A 44
B 48
C 18
D 2
A 6
B 62
C 44 18
D 66
F 40
X 6
A 18 4
B 50 8
C 42 50
D 2 50
F 12
X 6
A 10
B 30 2
C 56 36
D 16 56
F 30
X 6
A 40
B 54 12
C 18 88
D 22
F 2
X 6
B 16
C 68 8
D 28 8

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results