Compare St Joseph Soga Boys to Hampangala

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Basic info

St Joseph Soga Boys School Hampangala School
Registration # S4467 S4468
Short Name St Joseph Soga Boys Hampangala
Full Name St. Joseph Soga Boys Secondary School Hampangala Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 10 15
Division III 27 10
Division II 21 6
Division I 4
Division ABS 5
Division 0 32

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 22
M - 10
F - 4
M - 1
M - 4
M - 21
F - 2
M - 4
M - 27
F - 3
M - 7
M - 10
F - 10
M - 5

School Locations

Region Morogoro Mbeya
District Ulanga Mbozi

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Agricultural Science 16
Arabic Language 35
Bible Knowledge 62 68
Basic Mathematics 62 68
Biology 24
Civics 62 68
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 34 35
Engineering Science 62 68
Fitting and Turning 62 68
Plant and Equipment Maintenance 62 68
Radio and Television Servicing 22 35
Welding and Metal Fabrication 62 68

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Agricultural Science
B 1
C 9
D 6
Arabic Language
C 11
D 8
F 16
Bible Knowledge
A 1 2
B 5 1
C 44 14
D 12 10
F 36
X 5
Basic Mathematics
B 1
C 11 1
D 16 5
F 34 57
X 5
C 13
D 5
F 6
A 6
B 18 1
C 34 14
D 4 12
F 36
X 5
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
A 1
B 4
C 23 4
D 6 13
F 18
Engineering Science
C 31 13
D 26 10
F 5 40
X 5
Fitting and Turning
B 5 1
C 50 19
D 7 29
F 14
X 5
Plant and Equipment Maintenance
C 41 12
D 19 6
F 2 45
X 5
Radio and Television Servicing
C 10 1
D 12 9
F 25
Welding and Metal Fabrication
C 23 4
D 34 15
F 5 44
X 5

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