Compare Igaga to Kaoze

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Basic info

Igaga School Kaoze School
Registration # S4337 S4377
Short Name Igaga Kaoze
Full Name Igaga Secondary School Kaoze Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 15 35
Division III 1 11
Division II 7
Division ABS 1 1
Division 0 21 3

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 12
M - 9
F - 3
M - 1
M - 1
F - 2
M - 5
M - 1
F - 3
M - 8
F - 9
M - 6
F - 15
M - 20

School Locations

Region Shinyanga Rukwa
District Kishapu Sumbawanga Rural

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics 38 57
Biology 38 57
Chemistry 9 13
Civics 38 57
English Language 38 57
Geography 38 57
History 38 57
Kiswahili 38 57
Literature in English 57
Physics 9 7

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics
C 2
D 2
F 37 52
X 1 1
C 2 10
D 7 26
F 28 20
X 1 1
C 2
D 1 8
F 8 3
C 2 17
D 5 22
F 30 17
X 1 1
English Language
C 5 11
D 12 24
F 20 21
X 1 1
C 1 7
D 8 21
F 28 28
X 1 1
B 1
C 1 20
D 4 20
F 32 15
X 1 1
A 2
B 12
C 9 36
D 11 5
F 17 1
X 1 1
Literature in English
C 9
D 20
F 27
X 1
D 1 3
F 7 4
X 1

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results