Compare Matimbwa to Kishamapanda

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A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year. Pick a different year to see results

Basic info

Matimbwa School Kishamapanda School
Registration # S2671 S2808
Short Name Matimbwa Kishamapanda
Full Name Matimbwa Secondary Kishamapanda Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 147 147 68 68
Division III 21 21 23 23
Division II 15 15 21 21
Division I 3 3 4 4
Division ABS 3 3 5 5
Division 0 35 35

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 38
M - 32
F - 2
M - 4
F - 10
F - 2
M - 4
M - 8
F - 18
M - 12
F - 18
M - 24
F - 18
M - 24
F - 16
M - 30
F - 176
M - 118
F - 82
M - 54

School Locations

Region Pwani Simiyu
District Bagamoyo Busega

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics 448 242
bio 448 242
chem 52 66
civ 448 242
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 286
engl 448 242
geo 448 242
hist 448 242
kisw 448 242
liteng 80
phy 64 52

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Basic Mathematics
A 4
B 4
C 6 12
D 40 52
F 396 160
X 6 10
A 4
B 4 30
C 50 120
D 110 78
F 278
X 6 10
A 8
B 8 38
C 34 14
D 10
X 6
B 2
C 28 52
D 92 132
F 320 48
X 6 10
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
A 2
B 22
C 122
D 96
F 34
X 10
B 2
C 54 60
D 116 146
F 270 26
X 6 10
A 4
B 4 12
C 50 102
D 86 98
F 298 20
X 6 10
A 2
B 14 8
C 54 72
D 100 106
F 272 46
X 6 10
A 2 6
B 18 34
C 174 158
D 220 34
F 28
X 6 10
C 4
D 56
F 20
B 2
C 14
D 34 18
F 30
X 18

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results