Compare Buswelu 1 to Katunguru

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Basic info

Buswelu 1 School Katunguru School
Registration # S0564 S0579
Short Name Buswelu 1 Katunguru
Full Name Buswelu Secondary School Katunguru Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 228 228 116 116
Division III 108 108 86 86
Division II 73 73 66 66
Division I 42 42 53 53
Division ABS 17 17 6 6
Division 0 15 15

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 20
M - 10
F - 16
M - 18
F - 8
M - 4
F - 24
M - 60
F - 32
M - 74
F - 54
M - 92
F - 52
M - 80
F - 116
M - 100
F - 88
M - 84
F - 250
M - 206
F - 138
M - 94

School Locations

Region Mwanza Mwanza
District Ilemela Sengerema

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Book Keeping 32
Basic Mathematics 966 654
bio 966 654
chem 220 138
civ 966 654
engl 966 654
geo 966 654
hist 966 654
kisw 966 654
liteng 184 180
phy 152 86
Physical Education 48

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Book Keeping
A 2
B 10
C 18
D 2
Basic Mathematics
A 28 8
B 32 22
C 86 62
D 98 62
F 688 488
X 34 12
A 20 36
B 68 96
C 374 348
D 326 162
F 142
X 36 12
A 30 26
B 96 84
C 92 26
D 2
X 2
A 18 16
B 62 62
C 310 228
D 294 224
F 248 112
X 34 12
A 12 8
B 60 58
C 382 258
D 396 274
F 82 44
X 34 12
A 4 2
B 14 34
C 248 230
D 412 306
F 254 70
X 34 12
A 22 24
B 56 98
C 346 348
D 378 162
F 128 10
X 36 12
A 14 64
B 172 294
C 612 268
D 126 16
F 8
X 34 12
A 6
B 2 24
C 96 106
D 82 40
F 2 4
X 2
A 4
B 20 8
C 86 60
D 40 18
F 2
Physical Education
C 24
D 24

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results