Compare Arusha to Highlands

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Basic info

Arusha School Highlands School
Registration # S0302 S0312
Short Name Arusha Highlands
Full Name Arusha Secondary School Highlands Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 154 66
Division III 71 32
Division II 54 19
Division I 16 5
Division ABS 5 1
Division 0 60 12

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 21
M - 39
F - 5
M - 7
F - 1
M - 4
F - 1
F - 7
M - 9
F - 1
M - 4
F - 28
M - 26
F - 8
M - 11
F - 41
M - 30
F - 18
M - 14
F - 91
M - 63
F - 29
M - 37

School Locations

Region Arusha Iringa
District Arusha Urban Iringa Urban

Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Book Keeping 47 8
Basic Mathematics 360 135
Biology 360 135
Chemistry 115 125
Civics 360 135
Commerce 47 8
Information and Computer Studies 7
English Language 360 135
Fine Art 50
French Language 11
Geography 360 135
History 360 135
Kiswahili 360 135
Literature in English 135
Physics 115 125

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Book Keeping
B 1
C 5
D 18 5
F 23 3
Basic Mathematics
A 4
B 8
C 28 12
D 43 17
F 271 105
X 6 1
B 9 3
C 69 27
D 96 48
F 181 56
X 5 1
A 1
B 8 1
C 44 16
D 53 30
F 9 77
X 1
B 38 5
C 143 57
D 91 49
F 83 23
X 5 1
B 3
C 16
D 20 5
F 8 3
Information and Computer Studies
B 1
C 4
D 1
X 1
English Language
A 11 2
B 68 15
C 139 63
D 69 38
F 67 16
X 6 1
Fine Art
C 16
D 22
F 7
X 5
French Language
C 5
D 5
F 1
B 4 2
C 83 24
D 104 55
F 164 53
X 5 1
B 3 3
C 58 18
D 101 43
F 193 70
X 5 1
A 3
B 43 22
C 192 82
D 88 23
F 29 7
X 5 1
Literature in English
B 4
C 32
D 53
F 45
X 1
C 13 3
D 32 11
F 70 110
X 1

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results