Compare Katoro 1 to Dunga 1

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Basic info

Katoro 1 School Dunga 1 School
Registration # P1397 P1556
Short Name Katoro 1 Dunga 1
Full Name Katoro Secondary School Dunga Secondary School

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 33 34
Division III 1
Division ABS 4 5
Division 0 21 42

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 9
M - 12
F - 22
M - 20
F - 2
M - 2
F - 1
M - 4
F - 1
F - 17
M - 16
F - 18
M - 16

School Locations


Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Auto Electric 53
Bible Knowledge 45 77
Basic Mathematics 44 26
Chemistry 1
Civics 42 58
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 50 35
Engineering Science 48 71
English Language 36
Fitting and Turning 47 56
Plant and Equipment Maintenance 48 43
Radio and Television Servicing 30 24
Workshop Technology 2
Welding and Metal Fabrication 47 73

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Auto Electric
C 1
D 17
F 29
X 6
Bible Knowledge
C 5 6
D 17 18
F 21 47
X 2 6
Basic Mathematics
D 6 1
F 34 23
X 4 2
X 1
C 1
D 14 11
F 23 41
X 4 6
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
C 6
D 11 4
F 30 28
X 3 3
Engineering Science
C 1
D 11 3
F 35 63
X 1 5
English Language
D 2
F 30
X 4
Fitting and Turning
C 15 9
D 15 20
F 15 20
X 2 7
Plant and Equipment Maintenance
C 2
D 8 5
F 34 36
X 4 2
Radio and Television Servicing
D 9
F 19 21
X 2 3
Workshop Technology
F 1
X 1
Welding and Metal Fabrication
D 14 13
F 31 54
X 2 6

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results