Compare Magu Centre to Tabora Teachers College Centre

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Basic info

Magu Centre School Tabora Teachers College Centre School
Registration # P0539 P0563
Short Name Magu Centre Tabora Teachers College Centre
Full Name Magu Secondary School Centre Tabora Teachers' College Centre

School Division stats

Students count Students count
Division IV 45 41
Division III 2 1
Division ABS 6 9
Division 0 30 26

School Gender Division

Students count Students count
F - 21
M - 9
F - 11
M - 15
F - 4
M - 2
F - 5
M - 4
F - 1
M - 1
M - 1
F - 20
M - 25
F - 14
M - 27

School Locations


Subject popularity

Students count Students count
Book Keeping 1
Basic Mathematics 58 46
Biology 54 35
Chemistry 61 16
Civics 50 62
Commerce 1
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu 1
English Language 55 56
Geography 66 63
History 60 64
Kiswahili 47 50
Literature in English 3 22
Physics 50 16

Students number by subject grade

Students count Students count
Book Keeping
F 1
Basic Mathematics
C 1
D 6 2
F 48 38
X 3 6
C 1
D 10 4
F 40 26
X 3 5
C 12 2
D 21
F 25 12
X 3 2
C 4 5
D 16 26
F 27 27
X 3 4
D 1
Elimu ya Dini ya Kiislamu
F 1
English Language
C 7 6
D 15 19
F 30 25
X 3 6
C 5 6
D 23 12
F 33 39
X 5 6
C 3 2
D 8 10
F 42 47
X 7 5
B 1
C 19 15
D 14 20
F 10 11
X 3 4
Literature in English
D 3
F 3 15
X 4
D 2 2
F 44 13
X 4 1

A empty table column means school doesnt have information for the selected year.Pick a different year to see results